My wife Loes in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium, 2024.
My firts post on Pixelfed must of course be a photograph of the two things a hold most dear in live, apart from my two lovely daughters, and those are: my wife Loes and the mother of all arts…architecture.
It is said that the mirror is the symbol of imagery or of awareness. The mirror has the ability to copy the visible reflections of the world in its own figural reality. Scheler and other philosophers associated mirrors with thought because it is a mental instrument that is the reflection of the universe and enables you to observe yourself. Frequently mirrors emerge in legends and fairytales, showing what happened in the past or what will happen in the future or what is happening now from a very far distance.
The mirror always tells the truth. Without need for the masks we people wear to protect ourselves, mirrors reflect only what they see. In a way mirrors are able to perceive the soul of ourselves, as well as of the people and things surrounding us, as they are without cover. This is partially due to the fact that what we see when we look into the mirror is actually not reality. Rather, the reflection in the mirror is an inverted version of the world we live in. Or is it the other way around?
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