Chosen Herald Archon -
To the Chosen, archons were the pinnacle of the moral, social and physical purity that came from exemplifying each of the seven castes.
Chosen Herald Archon -
To the Chosen, archons were the pinnacle of the moral, social and physical purity that came from exemplifying each of the seven castes.
Picked up the MakeHuman add-on for Blender (MPFB) - It's not as powerful as Human Generator, but it *does* let you make children.
Marco Pavanello / Wolf Studio make really cool CGI videos and animations with Blender. You can follow at:
There are already 23 videos uploaded, you can browse them all at You might particularly want to check out the short films "The Spark" ( and "Pebble" (
You can also follow Pavanello's general social media account at @nacioss
My biggest personal Blender project so far (I’m still an amateur). Only assets I used for this one are the characters, everything else is modelled, shaded, UV mapped, animated, etc by me. It was a lot of work and I learned a lot on the way. Enjoy and don’t forget to turn the sound on
Created with #blender3d
Breaking Ground
The Chosen were the remnants of a paracology destroyed by the Host, and as such, they had one, overriding directive as a culture -
Expand to the point where they can never lose their home again. The Chosen found new Settlements like the Host made deals for souls.
Household Shrine -
Every Chosen home had some sort of heptagonal shrine space laid out, where morning and evening prayers and reflection could take place in the seven lights of harmony.
I'm definitely interested in playing with this intersection of "cyber" and "old timey".
Still trying to work out the clothing styles for the Chosen
Chosen Wall
Although they accepted servants and workers inside, only Chosen could live within the walls of a Settlement. Beyond those walls, no official local government was permitted, but there was also no support from the Chosen.
Here's a quick render of a 3D model I worked on for The Last Day of Rain (my science-fiction graphic novel in progress).
The style is very different from what it will look like in the comic, but I had a lot of fun experimenting!
Chosen Settlement
The Chosen began the Occupation in Oman, and quickly spread to control the entire Arabian Peninsula. They wanted wide swaths of land for their settlements, and their hatred of the Host drew them near India. GodzillaVsGamera / ゴジラxガメラ / 3d Godzilla fight animation 1 #2d #3D #3dAnimated #3dAnimation #animated #animation #Anime #blender #dinosaur #dinosaurs #EvolvedGodzilla #gamera #GameraRebirth #Godzilla #GodzillaEvolved #GodzillaXKong #GodzillavsKongKong #gojira #Kaiju #KingOfTheMonsters #KOTM #Monsterverse #shimo GodzillaVsGamera / ゴジラxガメラ / 3d Godzilla fight animation 1 Animated and Edited by AMinmic Models by MMDChariza …
When I'm sculpting these mutants, I'm trying to always retain their 'humanity'...I have little interest in making Warhammer caricatures for comedy or slaughter.
When advocating for #opensource software, I always hear about "industry standards."
Me: "Hey, [local school district], have you seen GIMP?"
District IT: "Adobe Creative Suite is the industry standard"
I wonder if an #Oscar Award makes #Blender the "industry standard" now?
Abandoned Village
It was nothing special, just a small village in Rajasthan at the intersection of two dirt roads...and the Corruption had followed those roads and overrun the small community.
A surreal, arty-farty self-portrait I made back when I was exhaustingly chased by evil deadlines.
The logo on the door was my one-man company logo at the time. It was called Seven's Heaven.