Sculpt 3D is a Ray tracing package written for the #CommodoreAmiga in 1986 by Eric Graham, who had previously written a ray tracer called SSG which was used to render the infamous Juggler demo.
#retrocomputing #pixelart #raytracing
It can render 24 bit graphic images as seperate red, green, and blue files that are intended to be sent directly to a framebuffer, or combined into a raster file. I provide an example program written in C which combines the individual channel files into a SUN raster file, as an example of how we would process the output to be viewable, back in the day.
Sculpt can render files as much as 4 times NTSC video resolution quite well. However, once you go above 2048 lines of resolution, the ray tracer falls victim to an approximation error which causes triangles to be missed.
The 6000x4000 image took a week to render on my Amiga 1000. The 786x482 image took 4 hours.
I have placed the results on github for anyone to see, including the source scene data which can be loaded into Sculpt 3D, and the 'combine' utility which shows how to generate a SUN Raster file from the output channel files, so you can utilize it in a program such as GIMP.
This shows that even in 1986, an Amiga could be used to output professional 3D raytraced artwork.