Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (60Hz Mega Drive)
Last time Wing Fortress Zone and falling 1-Up-boxes stopped me, but this time I'm more experienced: Casual playthrough ahead.
Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (60Hz Mega Drive)
Last time Wing Fortress Zone and falling 1-Up-boxes stopped me, but this time I'm more experienced: Casual playthrough ahead.
Video Replay: Turn Your Used Video Game Cartridges Into Cash!
Source: VideoGames and Computer Entertainment 11 (December 1989)
Scan Source: RetroMags
#150 - The Lowest Form of Cake
Cool, a worm! Time for a fun, safe and LEGAL time, because it's our ONE HUNDRED, right, AND FIFTIETH episode of this NONSENSE. And what a party STC have thrown to celebrate! I'm sorry, I'll read that again: What party have STC thrown to celebrate? That's right boomers, NONE. Oh well! But we do have Kintobor, some weirdo worms, and a brand new strip from a brand new writer who Back-Handed Compliments Monthly described as "successfully secured employment on two issues of Sonic the Comic" ALSO: the grossest thing any child ever did, (PAUL!) and it's grave news for Diary Zone Dave and his online pals!
Two Point Museum launches with Linux support and glowing reviews
Here's an early stage of an early #DIY -#pedalboard- err, portable desk top? for the #TwistedElectrons #drumMachine and #synthesizers.
Not yet included is the TherapSID as the sound chips are not installed. lol. One day I'll buy the final revision and add it to a real board.
Outside the frame is the #OXIinstruments One #sequencer. That came with a nice case so, I'll leave it in there for now.
Again, I need a better power solution. I need more gear altogether! lol
If you attach Sonic 2 to the Sonic & Knuckles lock-on this unlocks "Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2", wherein the player can play the game using Knuckles and his abilities.
Using these special moves, Knuckles can explore areas inaccessible with Sonic or Tails, where secrets such as extra monitors have been added.
Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute finally has western release dates for digital and physical editions on the PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch:
Sonic & Knuckles has a lock-on feature that allows players to open the hatch on top of the cartridge and insert a second one.
When Sonic 3 is inserted, the player can play through both games as one, the originally intended Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
This features several changes to the games, such as slightly altered level layouts and the ability to play through both titles as Knuckles or Tails.
Sengoku Turb (戦国TURB)
Source: Dreamcast Magazine (JP) 2 (November 27, 1998)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
This will be a thread about Sonic & Knuckles for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and its cartridge's Lock On feature.
There is much to say about the game's background and the possibilities of the Lock On feature in regard to other games, especially the console's Sonic titles.
#148 - It's Worse Than I Thought, It's Epic
Why is this the whole comic's weirdest opening strip? How do you make a citizen's arrest? How do you disappear flour? What is a deeper way to hate? What are the drawings of Super Sonic drawings of? Are YOUR oranges gay? Who should sleep in an alley? How do you get girls to come to your room? Who wants to go to school with a butterbag? FIND OUT WITHINMoney! Money! Money! (Sega Genesis cover) by OneSockTooBig"It's A Small World" Sega genesis cover by 희민Heemin
I'm laughing pretty hard that this works! I have created an abomination! 【龍が如く極/Yakuza Kiwami(Xbox)】堂島の龍!第一章~第四章開始まで【SEGA派VTuber忌野すた子】 #初見実況 #360° #genesis #SEGA #seriesS #seriesX #Vtuber #Xbox #アストロシティミニ #ゲームギア #セガサターン #ドリームキャスト #ドリキャス #メガドライブ #メガドライブミニ #メガドラミニ #もののがたり第二章 #レトロゲーム #忌野すた子 【龍が如く極/Yakuza Kiwami(Xbox)】堂島の龍!第一章~第四章開始まで【SEGA派VTuber忌野すた子】 #初見実況 #SEGA #vtuber #龍が如く チャンネル登録高評価お願いします! 「龍が如 …
Review for Powerstone 2 on Sega Dreamcast from GamesMaster 99 - October 2000 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram (official guide)
Source: Dreamcast Magazine (JP) 2 (November 27, 1998)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
I have to hand it to #Sega.
I cannot stress just how important the OST is to me in VF #games and I was really worried about it in #VirtuaFighter 5 REVO..
The original VF5 OST was excellent and I was afraid the remixed tracks would not be as good.
To my surprise VF5 lets you select from EVERY VF OST to play the game to!
I have already beat the game several times this morning to several different VF sound tracks.
This is bliss!
Just got around to installing the #VirtuaFighter V Revo 30th anniversary on my #SteamDeck.
I was checking out the soundtrack and it is a whopping 531 tracks!!!!!
Easily worth the price for just this alone.
I absolutely love some of the Virtua Fighter soundtracks. Virtua Fighter 2 is probably one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. Virtua Fighter 4... Less so. Lol. So there should be a nice mix in here.
You can call me Gravitas or Enrapture.
I’m a critter in my 20s who last time used social media in mid-2010s with Twitter and Tumblr.
I love Hatsune Miku, soft plushies, games from the 2000s and some early 2010s; and as you may have figured it out, angels and angelic creatures.
Feel free to follow or talk to me if we share a thing or two in common. I don’t bite!
My pronouns are ve/ver/vis, but “they” is also fine I guess.