There’s a lot to unpack in this article:
“on average more than three-quarters of tissue in infected placentas had been damaged, cutting off oxygen & nutrients essential for fetal survival. this damage could occur silently, even in mothers without acute Covid symptoms, offering no warning signs”
Whenever I read studies about the damaging effects of Covid on the fetus - I’m reminded of a friend who was a high risk “geriatric” pregnancy.
She caught Covid in her first trimester and spent weeks in the hospital.
Not a single one of her doctors advised her to mask OR masked around her
Her baby was born full term but low birthweight and months later is still in the bottom percentile for size.
It’s too early to tell if there are more severe issues - but everytime they go to the hospital for a check up - everyone is unmasked.
In the second trimester she passed up a chance to go to Cuba because she was concerned about Zika - yet continued taking no precautions for COVID.
The linked article talks about Zika and the risk it poses to the fetus - and in some ways it appears COVID might carry MORE risk
So why is it that almost every pregnant person knows to avoid Zika - yet they’re taking zero COVID precautions?
Public health failure. If your doctors aren’t masking around you, if the healthcare facility doesn’t require masking, if no one is telling you TO mask … you won’t.
We’ve downplayed the virus so much that folks think it’s just a cold - despite scientific findings like this:
“A cluster of stillbirths in first 3 months of that year prompted doctors to investigate. They discovered that the placentas linked to fetal deaths were infected with the coronavirus…describing them as riddled with lesions likely caused by viral transmission through the maternal bloodstream.”
We’ve known about this for years - yet we don’t advise pregnant people to take precautions.
They avoid soft cheeses, Zika, Sushi etc but NOT a vascular virus that crosses placenta?
We’re entering year 6 of this devastating pandemic. That’s millions of babies born who suffered Covid infections in utero. They may also have multiple infections before they even reach five years of age.
Why aren’t we protecting them?
I understand it must be incredibly hard to protect young children - but we have to at least try. They’re counting on us.
Pregnant people can and should be wearing respirators. Their doctors should be as well.
These kids need the adults to step the F up and make better choices.
H/t @nicktsergas for links