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My therapist: It's important not to use your bed for anything other than sleep.

Me: I'm pretty sure Goosey [my cat] doesn't follow this rule. I frequently see her sitting with her eyes open in several of her favorite sleeping spots.

My therapist: Goosey doesn't have insomnia.

#Cats #Insomnia

Resulta que “curar” (resolver) el insomnio, aumenta en 1400% (¡¡Mil cuatrocientos por ciento!!!) la probabilidad de que se te quiten las ideas de suicidio.

Otra razón para dormir bien, y acudir a una clínica de sueño si no puedes dormir.

No seas como Don Alonso, que de mucho #tiktok y poco dormir se le secó el cerebro.

#SuicidalIdeation #Insomnia #IdeacionSuicida #Insomnio #SleepMedicine #MedicinaDelDormir

Psychiatric Times · Insomnia and the Antisuicidal Properties of Clozapine By Brian Miller, MD, PhD, MPH

💓 Presently Awake 💓

Hello from Samstagaturday!

choose the anglican or germanic as you please... it's mostly all brain mush at the moment over here

Cognitive/Emotional Checklist:
1) moods: moderate lability, patterned -80/+60 (scale -100/+100)
2) energy: mostly none, mostly none
3) restedness: lol, what? 2hrs up, 2hrs down on repeat for the past 24hrs

that silly tumour sure is a bitch some days!

now, some may wonder, "what's with these videos and her not wearing a bra?" .. well, I don't sleep in a bra so if I'm taking a quick vid in the early morning that's just reality.

decorum? professionalism? modesty? indeed, I appreciate those three qualities at the office; however, this is a social account where I'm tracking the day-to-day existence of living with a handful of serious medical diagnoses.

if a bit of cleavage, lack of makeup, frizzy bedhead hair, or unkempt-cuteness (not my words) to be worthy of pearl clutching - just let me know and I can wear some pearl earrings and a necklace! 💖

this is just life and I'm a real person. I am not perfect, no no.. and that's part of my reason for posting this journey of (typically very private) medical travails. I want to show what it's like living through the ordeals, to show others that it's not something that needs to be hidden away, that we're not alone, that we don't have to lose our humanity through the process of treatment.

as far as brain tumours go, this is a "common one" -- but it's still a motherfucking brain tumour. the medications have a long history of patients hating the side effects, of the medication ruining people's lives, etc.

it's the type of tumor which is often identified as the cause of sterility and libido issues - it can make women sterile. so, it's not just a simple tumor, it disrupts the ability to procreate and affects far far more than that too. it has the potential to disrupt the entire endocrine system.

so, any time I hear doctors or randos try to minimize the reality of its impact I know they're FoS and generally either willfully ignorant or just assholes. so it goes.

ok, enough rambling. starting to get sleepy again.

Currently spending too much time mentally working out the practicalities of dragons. How large is the territory of a 80,000 lb sapient apex predator? How many cows would it eat per year* etc.

Which I'm pretty sure is not the point of dragons, but that's where my mind's going at the moment.

* I reckon about 416.